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Mayo Clinic Meditation Review

Mayo Clinic Meditation Icon


2.15 / 5.00

Overall Score: 6/14

Basis of research: 0/3
Source of funding for the research: 0/2
Specificity of proposed intervention: 2/3
Number of consumer ratings: 3/3
Product advisory support: 1/1
Software support: 0/2

Rating Date: June 2016

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User Experince

User Experience

2.56 / 5.00

Engagement: 2.00 Functionality: 3.00 Aesthetics: 2.33 Information: 2.90 Subjective quality score: 1.25 Perceived impact score: 1.92 Rating date: August 2016 Rated by: Queensland University

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Not Yet Available
Professional Reviews

Professional Review

Not Yet Available

Mayo Clinic Meditation is an Apple™ app created by the prestigious Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. It is designed to guide users through meditation exercises that can help reduce stress and boost performance. The app uses simple sounds and imagery to help users learn and practice skills for daily meditation. In both 5- and 15-minute programs, Mayo Clinic Meditation is flexible enough to fit easily into a busy schedule. It also contains a tutorial program that introduces users to the ideas and techniques behind meditation. Mayo Clinic Mediation may be a good choice to help reduce mild to moderate levels of stress or discomfort. However, this app does not appear to have been revised for some time, and users should be cautious when using apps without security updates.

Technical Details

Available for: Apple™ devices
Company: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Classification: Mindfulness
Targeted conditions: Mood Disorders, Stress & Anxiety
Target demographic: Adults and Adolescents
Special provider necessary: No
Non-English Language version available: No
Where to get it: iTunes

Research on this App

Research page:  –  this link is to the Mayo Clinic’s research page with a list of results for a search of the word “meditation” in their online publication database. The Mayo Clinic publishes a large volume of research, so you can enter your own search as well. However, there is no available research specifically on the product or its claims.

How we evaluate

We review apps against rating criteria developed by experts in the field. Some of those criteria are:



We look at the research supporting the technology and the credibility of the development process.



We review privacy policies to see if key pieces of information about what happens with entered data are addressed.


User Experience

We explore how fun, functional, easy-to-use, engaging, and interesting the technology is.


Professional Reviews

A professional in a relevant field downloads and uses the technology and writes a narrative review, highlighting pros & cons and some recommendations for use.

Learn More About Our Criteria

App is No Longer Available

This application is no longer available to download

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Thank you for your interest in One Mind PsyberGuide. Due to a loss of funding, we are no longer updating or maintaining the One Mind PsyberGuide website. Reviews have been updated as of the last date indicated on each review. Other activities at One Mind PsyberGuide stopped in June 2023. We hope this website can still serve as a resource for those interested in using technology to support people and their mental health. We thank everyone for their support of One Mind PsyberGuide over the years.